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All Salonized Updates in 2023 - A Great Look Back and Look Ahead

December 21, 2023 — Amber Last modified on February 23, 2024

At Salonized, we adore reflecting, and what better way to do it than through a beautiful blog post highlighting all the fantastic updates and launches we've accomplished this year?

New Salonized Features – Big and Small

Our Product & Development team dedicates itself every day to optimize the functionalities of our software. This means rolling out updates every month, introducing new features, or enhancing existing ones. Why do we do this? Simply to ensure our software aligns even better with your needs and expectations.

But we don't do this alone. Our Support team is ready to engage daily with hundreds of Salonized users, listening to their wishes. To map out all these ideas effectively, we use an Idea Box. Have you heard about it? Feel free to check out the Idea Box and vote for the ideas you find most crucial!

Let's take a look at the functionalities that got a revamp and the new features we've welcomed into our Salonized packages.

Small Updates - Big Impact

Naturally, we always keep a close eye on how your customers can schedule appointments with you. That's why this year, we implemented two significant improvements to the booking widget:

Labeling Your Most Popular Services

This new functionality ensures your special services stand out in the booking widget. They now appear in a separate category at the top, allowing you to direct customers' attention to specific treatments. This increases the chances of these treatments getting booked.

Improved Employee Availability

Customers can now easily see when your salon team is available for appointments, making scheduling effortless. This new display provides clear insights, enabling stress-free appointments that perfectly align with their needs.

Medewerkersoverzicht in boekingswidget

A Preview of the Appointment in the Calendar

Another small update, but it lends you a hand with scheduling your appointments. From now on, when you create or edit an appointment, you'll see both the appointment details and your calendar side by side. And the beauty is, the appointment info moves in real-time, whether you make changes in the calendar or the appointment window.

And further…

  • We added a checkmark to allow your customers to accept your general booking terms, as shown by Niels.
  • We've prepared super-handy email templates for you in the Marketing Area to make email marketing even easier for you.

Salonized Innovations That Further Assist

If you've been a loyal user of the Idea Box, you've probably come across these suggestions. It's our honorable duty to turn these suggestions into reality.

Online Conditional Prepayments to Combat No-Shows

When customers book appointments online through your booking widget and meet your conditions, they can directly pay for (part of the) treatment. This reduces the risk of no-shows, gives you more control over your schedule, and minimizes income loss due to missed appointments. A handy solution for both you and your customers!

Work with Appointment Requests from Now On

At Salonized, we now give you the option to have your customers submit an appointment request via your booking widget instead of automatically confirming the appointment. The beauty of this change? You're in charge. You decide which appointments to accept or decline, giving you full control over your schedule. This leads to improved planning that seamlessly aligns with your salon's needs.

Appointment requests interface

Big Refresh - The Salonized Support Hub

Our pride and joy of 2023: the Support Hub! This is the place where you'll find all the support you need while using Salonized. All our resources and updates are now conveniently located in one spot. Stay updated on all new developments and share your suggestions or ideas with us through our Idea Box. Here, you'll quickly find answers to all your questions and maximize the potential of Salonized.

A Sneak Peek into the Future of Salonized

Hold onto your seats because we have so many great plans on the roadmap. Take a look at the first two features that will make your life as a salon owner much simpler and more enjoyable.

Appointment Overview for Your Customers

It'll become much easier for your customers to view and manage all their appointments in one place. Your customers can easily request their previous and future appointments via your booking widget by email. That saves you a few phone calls a day 😉 This handy feature is gradually being made available to all users.

Service Availability

With this update, you can further personalize your schedule. Choose the days and times that work for your services, creating a personalized experience for you and your customers.

A Special Year Together!

To implement all these fantastic updates, we've significantly strengthened our team this year. We've welcomed a whopping 27 new Salonizers to provide you with even better software.

Salonized team

Salonized has had a beautiful and successful year, and we didn't achieve this alone, of course. That's why we'd like to take a moment to shine the spotlight on you. Because without you, we wouldn't have the chance to embody our slogan 'Make Work Beautiful'. So, thank you, and cheers to (hopefully) many more years together! 🥂

Oh, and if you don't want to wait until December to find out about all the exciting news Salonized has to offer, occasionally check the Support Hub. We keep track of everything happening in the Salonized world there!

Amber Provoost

Content Marketing Lead

Amber loves 90's dance classics, craft beers and radiant light shows. As part of the Growth Marketing team, she likes to inspire you through captivating copy and loves to share all her knowledge with you on her blogs.

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